Dreams are a natural part of life for everyone, every symbol and every image that appears in your dreams has a certain relevance, your dreams are there to guide you and offer you emotional and psychological assistance. There are thousands of dream symbols and each one has meaning, you can learn how to decipher your dreams and use them to help you in your day to day life.
To dream you first need to sleep, as during your sleeping hours your brain undergoes changes. When you sleep you lose your conscious awareness, then you begin to pass through the four stages of sleep. In the first stage your blood pressure drops and your eyes roll from side to side, this is called the hypnopompic stage, where you are neither fully asleep or fully awake, although you would awaken easily if you were disturbed. The next stage, stage two, breathing and heart rate slow and you become unaware of outside noise. In the third stage you will be in a deep sleep and it would be difficult to wake you.
The fourth stage known as (Non-REM) which is non-rapid eye movement, this is when the conscious mind sleeps. From this state you move back through the stages, then you enter REM sleep, you tend to remember the dreams from the final REM stage.
Sleep is necessary for your physical mental and emotional wellbeing and when you sleep you no longer have conscious control. The amount of sleep you need varies with age, babies need approximately 15 hours a day, teenagers approximately eight or nine hours, adults need seven or eight hours sleep, as you get older the amount of sleep you need lessens, older people need about six hours of sleep.
Sleep is essential to allow you to physically and mentally re-charge, it is imperative for your emotional stability and overall health. The mind is like a computer it needs care and attention to work at optimum capacity and when you sleep the unconscious takes over and tries to organise your experiences.
When you dream it is as though you are watching and involved in a movie of your life, with familiar and non-familiar people and situations. In your dreams you can feel comfortable or unsettled, happy or sad, you may see objects, symbols, clothing, vehicles, boats, animals, water etc.
Dreams are often accompanied by strong emotions and when you wake you can often still feel these emotions, such as you may have a dream that you are in deep water and as water pertains to emotion, you can very likely relate this to something emotional that is overwhelming you in your waking hours, and possibly your dream has helped you to find the answer. Many people see symbols in their dreams and these are often taken from something in their day to day life.
Keep a dream journal next to your bed and write in it the moment you wake, this is when the dream will be remembered, and after writing in your journal you can then begin to decipher what the dream was trying to tell you.
The best way to interpret your dreams is after writing them down, read over what you have written then write down the first thought that comes into your head, this is called dream association. By writing your dreams down you will soon realise that certain symbols appear again and again, you tend to dream about things that are familiar to you.
Dreams are not meant to be interpreted literally, symbols mean different things to different people, imagine you have dreamed of death, this usually means change or dramatic change depending on the intensity of your dream. A woman may dream of giving birth and this can mean the birth of an idea, or the birth of a business, or it could be a dream of an actual birth to take place in the future, what you see will depend on what is happening in your life at the time.
Some people have precognitive dreams, this is a dream that reveals something actual that is to happen in your future, this usually happens to people who are quite psychic.
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